In the movie Thunderball (1965) Bond makes a martini on the rocks with Smirnoff vodka and Cinzano. Bond takes two glasses and says “I can assure you my intentions are strictly honourable”. Smirnoff can also be seen in the apartment of Dr No's lair where Bond and Honey Rider stay. There is also a Smirnoff bottle in Ms Taro’s house next to record player. James Bond puts ice in a glass, smells the bottle, decides it's not safe to drink and opens another bottle that he takes from a drawer. Later we see Smirnoff in the same room, with a glass bucket of ice. Also on the table is a green bottle of what looks like Martini vermouth. The first time we see Smirnoff is when a waiter hands Sean Connery a martini made with Smirnoff Vodka in Bond's hotel suite, about 25 minutes in to the movie: 'One medium-dry vodka martini - mixed like you said, sir, not stirred'.
The close partnership between Smirnoff Vodka and Bond began in 1962's Dr.
James Bond and Smirnoff have gone hand in hand for almost 60 years.